my story
Born just outside of San Diego, CA I was old enough to remember southern California before we sold the house and headed north. We visited the in-laws and the outlaws on our trek to Washington.
We came into Wenatchee on our way to Spokane because “it was on the map and had never been there”. It was mid-day August 6th 1974 and we were parked across the street from the courthouse for a few minutes when all the windows around us were blown out and a huge mushroom cloud was visible through the trees. The railroad yard south of town had blown up due to a chemical tanker explosion resulting in a huge crater and thrown debris and fire in all directions. The only bridge in town at that time was closed to emergency traffic only. So we drove around Wenatchee streets to have a look. We never made it to Spokane as my parents found a home that caught their eye and they made an offer on it.
I came into town with a bang and never left.
True Four, LLC was created to leverage creative photography in four seasons and problem solving to select companies needing visual solutions. Product shots, head shots, visualizing a building before it is built on location to beautiful landscape images of your property or stock photos you can easily license.
Commercial, industrial and especially agriculture.
+ products
+ lifestyle
+ process
+ people
motion + sound
+ timelapse
+ video
+ audio
+ story
+ web & social content
+ graphics & images
+ visualizations
+ self publish
problem solving
+ creative thinking
+ trusted adviser
+ marketing
+ licensing
Chief Problem Solver
True Four, LLC
Wenatchee, WA
(323) 985-TRU4
creative problem solving since 1987
formerly Best Kept Secret Photography